
Biggest perpetrator of terrorism: India slams Pakistan at UN

Biggest perpetrator of terrorism: India slams Pakistan at UN

TIL Desk/World/UN/ Pakistan is the biggest perpetrator and supporter of terrorism and masquerades as its victim and should stop cleansing its own minorities including Hindus, Christians, Sikhs, and Buddhists, India has said in a strong response slamming Islamabad for again raking up the Kashmir issue at the United Nations.

Emphasising that the fight against terrorism has to be unrelenting and across all fronts, Counsellor/Legal Adviser at India’s Permanent Mission to the UN Dr Kajal Bhat said that all member states must fulfil their obligations enshrined in international counter-terrorism instruments and conventions.

“…let me express my dismay that Pakistan has once again misused this august forum to repeat at adnauseam their litany of lies,” Bhat said at the General Assembly 6th committee (Legal) meeting on ‘Measures to eliminate international terrorism’.

“Here is the biggest perpetrator and supporter of terrorism masquerading as its victim. We condemn their Pavlovian response wherever the name of India is mentioned and reject all their allegations and insinuations,” she said on Wednesday.

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