
China President Xi Jinping warns against return of ‘Cold War era’

China President Xi Jinping warns against return of 'Cold War era'

TIL Desk/World/Beijing/ Chinese President Xi Jinping on Thursday warned against a return to Cold War-era tensions in the Asia-Pacific. “The Asia-Pacific region cannot and should not relapse into the confrontation and division of the Cold War era,” he said at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation CEO Summit via video.

The Chinese President also said that at present, COVID-19 is still ravaging the world, and the journey to global economic recovery remains a difficult and tortuous one, the media outlet reported. He urged the region to make all-out efforts to fight COVID-19.

“At this trying time, it is all the more important that we should stay confident, keep a steady hand on the tiller, and forge ahead with determination. China had not attended the COP26 climate change conference last week.

The country had also not attended India-convened security dialogue on Afghanistan citing ‘scheduling reasons’. Meanwhile, the bilateral virtual meeting between United States President Joe Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping is likely to hold on Monday.

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