
‘INS Betwa’ tipped over at a naval dockyard in Mumbai

‘INS Betwa’ tipped over at a naval dockyard in Mumbai

TIL Desk/National/Mumbai/ Two navy personnel were killed and 14 others were rescued on Monday after navy’s battleship INS Betwa tipped over at a naval dockyard in Mumbai. The warship, commissioned in 2004, was undergoing a refit at the dockyard when the accident happened. Two sailors, who went missing after the accident, were found dead.

The condition of 14 injured sailors, who were rescued from the dock with minor injuries, are in a stable condition, The extent of the damage is being assessed, a navy spokesman said.

“We have never had such an incident before,” Navy PRO on INS Betwa DK Sharma as saying. The INS Betwa titled 90 degrees and the main mast has broken. The mast houses the surveillance radars. The 3800-tonne guided missile frigate was to go out to sea after a refit.

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