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6 ITBP personnel killed, 32 injured after bus falls into gorge in Jammu and Kashmir

6 ITBP personnel killed, 32 injured after bus falls into gorge in Jammu and Kashmir

TIL Desk/National/Srinagar/ Six ITBP personnel died while 30 others, who were returning from Amarnath yatra duty, were injured on Tuesday when a bus fell into a deep gorge in Pahalgam area of Jammu and Kashmir, an official said.

The police bus carrying 37 ITBP personnel and two policemen fell into a deep gorge between Chandanwari and Pahalgam, a police official said.

He said while six ITBP personnel died on the spot, 10 others sustained grievous injuries. The bus was on its way from Chandanwari to police control room here.

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