TIL Desk Ahmadabad/ The Special Investigation Team court on Friday pronounced the quantum of sentence for 24 convicts in the Gulberg Society massacre in which 69 people, including former Congress MP Ehsan Jafri, were killed. Eleven convicts get life term, 12 get seven-year terms, while 1 gets 10 years in jail. Life sentence in this case means life in jail till death. No death sentence for any of the convicts.
The Special SIT court said that none of the men have criminal antecedents. Notably, the chief convict in the case, Kailash Dhobi, surrendered before the court on June 13.
On Monday, the court of special judge PB Desai had announced that the quantum of sentence would be declared on Friday, after submissions were made by the prosecution, defence lawyers as well as the lawyer of the victims.
Earlier on June 2, the court had held 11 persons guilty of murder and other offences, while 13 others, including VHP leader Atul Vaidya, were charged with lesser offences. It had acquitted 36 others in the case.