State, Uttar Pradesh

Apollo Hospitals Lucknow Performs Five Consecutive Successful Bone Marrow Transplants in Last Six Months

Apollo Hospitals Lucknow Performs Five Consecutive Successful Bone Marrow Transplants in Last Six Months

TIL Desk Lucknow/ Apollomedics Hospitals Lucknow is proud to announce the successful completion of five bone marrow transplants within a span of six months, including one complex allogenic transplant. The team of experts at Apollomedics has risen to the challenge and achieved tremendous success in saving precious lives. The successful completion of the five BMTs in 6 months is a huge milestone for and reflects hospital’s unwavering commitment to providing the best care and treatment to our patients. The team’s exceptional skills, dedication, and determination have contributed to this remarkable achievement.

Dr Mayank Somani (MD & CEO) said, “I extend my heartfelt congratulations to the team for their achieving this feat in such a short span. These accomplishments are not possible without the individual commitment of each team member. I am proud of the team’s hard work and dedication, and I’m confident that with this type of exceptional work, we will be able to provide world class healthcare services in the state itself.”

Dr Sunil Dabadghao, Senior Consultant, Haematology & Bone Marrow Transplant adds his perspective on the complexity of the allogenic bone marrow transplant procedure. “These procedures are incredibly challenging and require immense skill and expertise. Each one presents a unique set of challenges with its own intricacies. However, the success of the procedure is different for every condition and every patient. One such case was of a 38 years old female presented to us with Acute myelogenous leukaemia. After the chemotherapy the disease had relapsed and eventually to control it the doctors decided to counsel the patient and her family about bone marrow transplant. During the investigation, the doctors found that the patient had 40 percent blast cells (cancer cells), putting her in the high-risk category. The patient found a perfect donor match in her real brother, who donated her stem cells for the transplant. The patient was discharged after 21 days. In the follow-up on the 30th day, we found that the

donor cell was 100% active. The patient will remain in follow-up for a few more months to come. Statistically speaking, patients who underwent an allogeneic transplant for a non-malignant condition had a success rate of 70 to 90% with a related match and 36 to 65% with an unrelated donor.

Dr Priyanka Chauhan, Consultant haemat – Oncology & Bone Marrow Transplant said “bone marrow transplantation statistics worldwide show that only 30% of individuals have an HLA-matched donor in their families. Despite this hurdle, bone marrow transplantation remains one of the most effective treatments for several blood disorders. Bone Marrow Transplants (BMTs) are on a steady rise in India, with about 2,500 transplants being performed yearly unlike five years ago when it was less than 500. Though the number of BMT centres is increasing, it is less than 10% of the actual requirement in India. This highlights the need to increase awareness of blood disorders and the importance of bone marrow transplantation as a life-saving treatment.”

Dr Archana Kumar, HOD Padiatric Oncology & Haematology further stresses the importance of early identification of blood disorders. “Early diagnosis is critical to the successful treatment of blood disorders. Patients who are aware of their risk factors or who visit their doctors for regular check-ups can promptly be referred to specialists if there are any indications of a blood disorder. Early identification of these disorders can help prevent the progression of the disease.” The successful completion of the five bone marrow transplants at Apollomedics Hospital Lucknow is a remarkable achievement, and the team deserves much applause for their dedication and hard work.

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