TIL Desk/National/New Delhi/Terming the controversy surrounding ‘Vande Mataram’ as unwarranted, BJP MP and Union Minister Sanjeev Balyan on Thursday said that people, who are inhibiting from singing the national song, must be told that there is nothing wrong with singing it. Balyan told, that a solution in this regard should be chalked out and Muslims should not think that there is something wrong with the national song.
“People must understand that there is nothing wrong with singing Vande Mataram. I don’t know why some people are making an issue out if it. A solution should be chalked out in this regard. I don’t know why there is this mentality that Vande Mataram is not okay for Muslims. We should explain people and make them understand this,” said Balyan.
Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath last week said not singing the national anthem is a serious issue, adding that by doing so it only highlighted one’s prejudice. Adityanath breaking his silence for the first time on this issue said that the people are extending this issue for no reason. “We want to see development in this country, but our issue of conflict is over not singing the National Anthem and National song. Not singing Vande Mataram shows a prejudiced mind. This is a matter of concern,” Aditynath said at the book unveiling function of ‘Governor’s guide’ here.