TIL Desk Bollywood/ After a criminal case was lodged against Bollywood actress Shilpa Shetty and her husband Raj Kundra for duping a textile firm owner for Rs. 24 lakh, the businessman said his wife’s name has been dragged to create media hypes. Kundar released a statement on Friday in which he says that “the vendor is misusing his connections in various stations”.
“This is a civil matter and an abuse of the law. We have tight contracts signed and on the contrary, the vendor owes us money for not fulfilling orders. Beat deal is unfortunately being wound up due to the business failing and we are following the laws of the land to close the various matters properly,” Kundra said in a statement.
Kundra also added that Shilpa has nothing to do with the daily running of the business. “It’s sad that at every step of the way, my wife’s name is dragged in to create media hype. She was a non-executive, who had nothing to do with the daily running of the business,” he said.