
China launches cyber security law

China launches cyber security law

TIL Desk/World/Beijing/ China on Thursday launched a controversial cyber security law, claiming to ensure its national security, amid criticism from foreign companies which say it might hamper their operations.

The new legislation came into force on Thursday, provoking criticism and posing uncertainty among the business sector in the country.

“The law will have a big impact on how business is done in China,” said Michael Chang, vice-president of the European Union Chamber of Commerce in a news conference on Tuesday, adding that there are still many issues to be resolved.

An article in the cyber security law orders “key information-infrastructure operators” to store their data in China, a policy which is considered to have an affect on the data flow on the internet and between companies.

According to the law, all companies must undergo a “safety assessment” procedure if they want to transfer these data out of China.

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