TIL Desk Bollywood/ Pakistani actress Mahira Khan, who made her Bollywood debut with Indian superstar Shah Rukh Khan-starrer “Raees” this year, has said she felt like “being punched in the stomach” when she saw the movie. Mahira spoke at length about her failures in life during a lecture at a university.
“The truth is that we have all gone through failure. I have personally as well as professionally experienced failure,” Mahira said. “I was advised by many people to not accept the role in ‘Bol’ (Pakistani film) as it was a small one but my gut feeling told me otherwise. I also decided to act in the serial ‘Humsafar’ on my gut feeling.
“There are no repeats of your first film, but somehow my name was missed as the ‘Bol’ credits scrolled in front of me. Then for ‘Raees’, even though the teaser said ‘introducing Mahira Khan’, I felt like being punched in the stomach when there was no such credit in the film itself.
“Then when it was released, I was banned in India and the film was banned in Pakistan,” added the actress, referring to the unofficial ‘ban’ on Pakistani actors by certain outfits in India after the terror attack at Uri last year. However, Mahira is not affected with failure.