TIL Desk Bollywood/ Shooting with veteran actor Dharmendra for “Yamla Pagla Deewana Phir Se” was an exhilarating moment for Kriti Kharbanda. “Yamla Pagla Deewana Phir Se” is the third film in the “Yamla Pagla Deewana” franchise which features 81-year-old Dharmendra along with his sons Sunny and Bobby. Kriti has joined the franchise and has already finished her first shooting schedule.
In an interview, Kriti says, “When I did a scene with Dharam sir for the first time, I actually cried! I was very nervous, it was our one-on-one scene, where my back was facing the camera. The cinematographer noticed that I was in tears, it was an intense scene too and he said ‘relax, don’t worry’.
“Someone later told him that Kriti was crying as she was nervous about acting with you and he was like, ‘Kharbanda, what happened girl’? He calls me ‘Kharbanda’, he doesn’t like calling me Kriti. I find it very sweet, it’s the first time someone has done that,” she says.