TIL Desk/National/New Delhi/ The CBI on Tuesday filed its charge sheet in the Vyapam scam case and claimed there was no truth in the allegations that data files seized by the state police from an accused and having mention of the word ‘CM’ was tampered.
In its charge sheet filed by the CBI before a special CBI court, the CBI has claimed that a detailed forensic analysis of the hard disc of the computer showed that there was no file carrying “CM” ever stored on it, CBI officials said.
The charge sheet filed by the CBI in connection with Pre Medical test for 2013 has listed 490 accused which includes three Vyapam officials – Nitin Mohindra, Ajay Kumar Sen and C K Mishra.The CBI alleged that the racketeers arranged solvers for MBBS aspirants.
Congress leader Digvijay Singh and whistleblower Prashant Pandey had alleged that the word “CM” found in the files in the computer of accused Nitin Mohindra was deleted or changed.
The CBI charge sheet comes as a major relief to Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan as he has been given a virtual clean chit by the probe agency. The state goes to polls next year.