TIL Desk Bollywood/ Actress Parineeti Chopra, who is enjoying the success of her last film ‘Golmaal Again’ on Wednesday said that the shooting of her next film which also stars Arjun Kapoor will begin this week, and the team will head to Delhi on Sunday.
“Shooting will start within this week. Sunday we’re heading to Delhi. Post that, we will be going to the Indo-Nepal border, so it is going to be one hectic shoot,” she said at the special screening of ‘Golmaal Again’ held for the underprivileged kids of an NGO.
Parineeti, who has already done one film with Arjun, said that she shares a comfort level with the actor.”I have done an intense film with Arjun before, so there is a comfort level. We both are really excited about the film, we are doing preparations and workshops every day,” said the actress.
Parineeti is also committed to ‘Namastey Canada’ with Arjun Kapoor, which will start soon. Rohit Shetty recently confirmed ‘Golmaal 5’ and Parineeti was asked about featuring in the fifth instalment.