TIL Desk Bollywood/ He might be a superstar with back-to-back blockbusters to his credit, but Aamir Khan said there are times when he has to make a lot of efforts to stop his fame from dominating a film. Aamir, 52, insisted he has never felt like a star and looks at himself as person who enjoys his work.
“I don’t feel I am a superstar. That feeling doesn’t come to me. I feel I am a person who loves what he is doing (referring to acting). I really enjoy it. I don’t take superstardom seriously,” Aamir said in a media interaction.
“At times I’ve to work a little hard to move it out of the way, so that I can do the work properly,” he added. Citing an example, the “Dangal” actor said he came up with a plan to shoot for wife Kiran Rao’s “Dhobhi Ghat”, despite the latter’s apprehension on pulling it off.
“Kiran wasn’t taking me in ‘Dhobhi Ghat’ because of that (stardom). She said how she would shoot on location with a crew of only nine people, where your 15 body guards will come! I said leave that to me. I had to remove my stardom out of my way because it was coming in the middle of the film.”