TIL Desk Sports/ Out-of-favour India opener Gautam Gambhir on Wednesday said politicians shouldn’t meddle into personal affairs of anyone, a day after national cricket team captain Virat Kohli and his wife Anushka Sharma were criticised by a BJP MLA for marrying in Italy. Reacting on the issue, Gambhir said: “It is completely their personal matter and choice and nobody should comment on this. Politicians should be more careful while making such comments,” Gambhir told.
Gambhir’s remarks came a day after a BJP legislator in Madhya Pradesh, Pannalal questioned the patriotism of Kohli and Bollywood actress Anushka Sharma for not getting married in India. As if that was not enough, another BJP leader, this time from Anantnag, Rafiq Wani questioned Virat and Anushka’s honeymoon destination choice.
“We have such a huge country of 125 crores citizens, if he wanted to get married he could have got married here. There is no issue that he has got married in abroad, it is his choice but for a honeymoon the most beautiful place which is called ‘Heaven on Earth’ is Kashmir. So they should have had their honeymoon here. Then our tourism would have gotten a boost also,” Wani said.