TIL Desk/National/New Delhi/ Congress chief Rahul Gandhi, who has amped up his criticism of government over the last few months, took a jab at PM Narendra Modi who had asked people to list what they wanted him to talk about in his monthly radio programme, “Mann Ki Baat”, later this month. Gandhi said he had three.
“Since you’ve requested some ideas for your #MannKiBaat monologue, tell us about how you plan to” create jobs, push the Chinese out of Doklam and stop the rapes in Haryana, Gandhi tweeted, echoing the three points on which the opposition party has been throwing punches at the ruling BJP.
The tweet was a response to PM Modi’s post a day earlier, also on Twitter, asking people to come up with suggestions for the first “Mann Ki Baat” of 2018 on January 28. “It is always a delight to read your insightful ideas and inputs,” PM Modi had told them.
Rahul Gandhi has taken swipes at PM Modi over the programme, blaming him for only speaking his mind and not listening to the people. The Congress chief’s demand to get the Chinese out of Doklam – “DHOKA-LAM” as he spelt the face-off site between India and China last year which is seen as a play on the word Dhokha, (betrayal) – comes days after reports about construction activities by the Chinese in the vicinity.