TIL Desk Bollywood/ “Get well soon” wishes for Amitabh Bachchan flooded social media soon after reports that he was admitted to Lilavati hospital on Friday. But the Bollywood megastar, 75, left the facility a few hours after a routine check-up.
“Mr Bachchan came for a routine check-up and went home,” Ravishankar, CEO of the Lilavati Hospital here, told. Amitabh was spotted in the backseat of his car while making his way out of the Bandra West facility here. He hid his face with a cap. His son Abhishek Bachchan was also seen by his side.
The actor, busy with his work commitments for ‘102 Not Out’ and another flick, has been complaining of aggrravated pain in the shoulder for a while. He has also been doing a lot of late night shoots and recording sessions.
After returning from an all-night shoot for upcoming flick in the early hours of Thursday, the actor launched the teaser for ‘102 Not Out’ on social media later in the day.