
Donald Trump a threat to democracy: Clinton

Donald Trump a threat to democracy: Clinton

TIL Desk/World/Cleveland-Donald Trump is unfit to become the US president as he “demeans” women, plays coy with “white supremacists” and is a “threat” to American democracy, Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton has alleged.  Addressing the NAACP National Convention in Cincinnati, Ohio, the State which is hosting the Republican convention, Clinton said the Republican party, which once was a party of Abraham Lincoln, has become a Trump entity.

“This man is the nominee of the Party of Lincoln. And we are watching it become the Party of Trump. And that’s not just a huge loss to our democracy it is a threat to our democracy. By now, we’ve heard a lot of troubling things about Donald Trump but that one’s shocking,” Clinton, 68, said. “It all adds up to an undeniable conclusion: I don’t care if you’re a Democrat, a Republican, an Independent Donald Trump cannot become President of the United States. And that’s why we’ve got to work together to get out the vote this fall,” she said yesterday.

The four-day Republican convention kicked off yesterday and Trump would formally be coroneted as the party’s presidential nominee on Thursday. Clinton used the occasion to slam Trump for his divisive policies and rhetoric. “Donald Trump led the movement to de-legitimize our first black president, trumpeting the so-called ‘birther’ movement. Donald Trump plays coy with white supremacists,” Clinton said.

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