TIL Desk Bollywood/ Actor Ali Fazal and his girlfriend and actress Richa Chadha attended the pre-Oscar WME party here. Ali on Sunday took to Instagram and shared a photograph of himself with Richa.”Okay, I swear I didn’t plan this photo… haha. But Jack Dawson aka Leo seems to have photobombed this selfie.
Spot if you can, but besides the little crowd, it was an honour to be present at the WME Party last night (Saturday) with greats in the room,” he wrote alongside the image. Ali also quipped that he stared back at rapper Drake because he was looking at Richa.
“Congratulated Mr Adrian Brody on his wonderful performance in ‘Peaky Blinders’, stared back at Drake because ‘arey woh Richa ko taak raha tha toh maine bhi ghoora (he was staring at Richa so, even I stared back).
“And I guess the reason I was so phaila hua (spread out) was because it was home territory – my agency throwing the pre-Oscar party last night. I think all the hip-hop crowd was there for sure. Wait, Pharrell was missing. He got to play Holi elsewhere,” he added.