TIL Desk/National/New Delhi/ Innovation and out of the box thinking are the key to realising the dream of ‘New India Prime Minister Narendra Modi said here on Friday while addressing the grand finale of the Smart India Hackathon via video conferencing.
“Innovation is not merely a word or an event. It’s an ongoing process. You can innovate only when you understand a problem and try to find out its solution. We must go to the root of the problem and find out of the box solutions…In the era where knowledge is power, innovation is the driver of growth.
“When I see the young generation busy in innovation with enthusiasm like this, my resolve for ‘New India’ gets stronger. In the 21st century we will be able to get India the place in the world it deserves. Your energy is the driving force to fulfil the dream of New India,” he said. The Prime Minister gave students the mantra of “IPPP” or “Innovate, Patent, Produce and Prosper”.
“These four steps will lead our country towards faster development. For that we will have to innovate and turn our innovations in patents, making our production smoother and taking products speedily to the people will make them prosper,” he said, adding: “But we must look for need based innovations not greed based innovations.”