TIL Desk Bollywood/ Actress Sonam Kapoor will marry Delhi-based businessman Anand Ahuja in Mumbai on May 8, the family has confirmed following weeks of speculation around their union. A statement on behalf of the Kapoor and Ahuja families was issued on Tuesday.
“The Kapoor and Ahuja families take great joy and pride in announcing the marriage of Sonam and Anand. The wedding will take place on May 8 in Mumbai,” read the statement. The families have said it is an “intimate affair” and have requested the media “to respect the family’s need for privacy”.
“Thank you for all your blessings and love, as we celebrate this special moment in our lives,” the statement read. Kapoor and Ahuja have been dating for a number of years, but it is only in the past few months that they have been open about their relationship and travels together on social media. The lighting and decorations outside the Kapoor residence in Mumbai added fuel to the speculation about the wedding.