TIL Desk Bollywood/ For her second red carpet appearance at the Cannes Film Festival, Sonam Kapoor opted for a Vera Wang couture gown. Matching with her beige and yellow gown with a corset, Sonam wore minimal accessories and sported a messy bun. She round off her look with dramatic eyes.
Sonam’s sister, Rhea shared her photos from the Cannes Film Festival and wrote, “The most glam go with the flow ever.” Earlier in the day, Sonam made several appearances for the brand. She sported a blue denim from Bhane, a clothing brand owned by husband Anand Ahuja.
In the afternoon, the “Veere Di Wedding” star wore a white and red striped dress from designer Emilia Wickstead and coupled it with Sophia Webster shoes and Bottega Veneta shades. Sonam wore a Ralph and Russo lehenga-inspired outfit for her first appearance at the French Riviera this year as the brand ambassador of cosmetic brand L’Oreal.