TIL Desk Bollywood/ Actress Sonam Kapoor, who will turn a year older on Saturday, says that box-office numbers of her current film Veere Di Wedding has gone beyond expectation.”I couldn’t have asked for more,” she says as the praise pours in. “I mean, the numbers have gone beyond all expectations. Right? And it’s very reassuring,” added Sonam.
Not that she is a stranger to scoring as a Female Hero. “Neerja was a turning point in my career. The numbers it did at the box office gave me a lot of confidence and also made a difference to the way female-centric films are perceived by the film trade,” she said. Comparisons with Alia Bhatt starrer Raazi, the other successful heroine-oriented film of the season, are inevitable but Sonam says her Veere Di Wedding has a long way to go.
“I haven’t seen ‘Raazi’. But I am only hearing good things about it. It has already done a business of Rs. 100 crores. Our Veere Di Wedding isn’t there yet. But I hope it would be,” she said. She also hopes to keep up her friendship with her ‘Veeres’ Swara Bhaskar, Kareena Kapoor Khan and Shikha Talsania, who played leading roles in the film.