TIL Desk Bollywood/ Actor Ishaan Khatter, who is all set for the release of his forthcoming film ‘Dhadak’, has said that his film is unique in its own way. Ishaan Khatter was interacting with media along with his co-actress Janhvi Kapoor and director Shashank Khaitan at ‘Zingaat’ song launch from their film at a radio station on Wednesday in Mumbai.
There has been huge buzz around ‘Dhadak’ before its release and Ishaan Khatter and Janhvi Kapoor are being considered as promising stars among the media and audience.
When asked how he feels when people look at him as a future star, Ishaan Khatter said, “I will not say that I have become a star before the release of the film but it feels nice when audience appreciate what they are seeing in the promos of the film. When people support us, our hope increases as they will go to watch the film in theatres.