TIL Desk/National/New Delhi/ Army Chief General Bipin Rawat on Friday said that the security forces will continue their operations under rules of engagement in Jammu and Kashmir. Rawat’s statement comes when the Valley has been witnessing a huge spurt in terror activity.
“The Army continues to operate under strict rules of engagement that have been formulated and we will always continue to operate under those rules of engagement. We conduct operations in a very people friendly manner,” Army Chief Rawat told.
“Motivated reports keep coming out that Army and security forces in Kashmir are brutally carrying out their operations which aren’t true,” he added. Further speaking on security factor, Army Chief Rawat stated that their aim is to go after terrorists, who are creating violence.
“Our basic purpose is to get after terrorists who are creating violence and disturbance in the Kashmir Valley. Our aim is not to cause inconvenience to the civilian population which is not indulging in arsenal violence,” Army Chief Rawat noted.