TIL Desk Bollywood/ Bollywood’s powerpack star, Ranveer Singh got nostalgic as his 2013 film, ‘Lootera’ has completed five years today. Taking to Instagram, the ‘Padmaavat’ star took a stroll down memory lane.
Sharing a video from the movie, the 32-year-old star wrote, “Celebrating 5 years of this little gem #VikramadityaMotwane @aslisona #5YearsOfLootera.”
It should be recalled that Ranveer delivered a strong performance with her co-star Sonakshi Sinha in the movie. He made his debut with ‘Ladies vs Ricky Bahl’ and since then he has been giving hit films.
Ranveer, who will be celebrating his 33rd birthday tomorrow, has done a film like ‘Gunday’ and also stunned with his dark shade in ‘Padmaavat’ as Alauddin Khilji.