TIL Desk/National/New Delhi/ Union Minister Jayant Sinha on Thursday challenged Congress President Rahul Gandhi for a live debate on the lynching case in Jharkhand’s Ramgarh, saying the Congress leader had taken the attack against him to a personal level and should not hide behind social media handles.
Sinha, who has been strongly criticised by the opposition for meeting and garlanding eight convicts of a lynching incident in his Lok Sabha constituency in Jharkhand and had on Wednesday expressed regret for his act, threw a challenge to Gandhi in a tweet on Thursday and appended a statement.
“Rahul Gandhiji has taken the attack against me to a personal level. He has condemned my education, values and humanity. I challenge him to a live debate in Hindi or English on the Ramgarh lynching case. “If he thinks that my personal conduct is disgusting then let’s debate it in a civilized manner,” he said, adding that let him not hide behind his social media handles and practice shoot-and-scoot politics.