TIL Desk Bollywood/ Bollywood power-packed actor Varun Dhawan is on cloud nine as he had a fan moment when he met WWE star Braun Strowman. The actor, who posed with Braun wore a grey T-Shirt and blue shorts with a grey zipper jacket and a pair of red tights. He completed his look by pairing up with white sneakers. While Braun was wearing a yellow printed vest and green shorts.
The 31-year-old actor took to his Instagram and treated his followers with a photo of himself and Braun flexing together. He wrote, “@braunstrowman the monster and me get into a flexing contest. Great guy had a lot of fun meeting him thank u @wwe for setting it up.”
Prior to this, the ‘October’ star has also met WWE stars like Jinder Mahal, Triple H, and Sasha Banks. On the professional front, Varun is all set to share the screen space with actress Anushka Sharma in the upcoming film ‘Sui Dhaaga’. Helmed by Sharat Katariya, the film has been produced by Maneesh Sharma under the banner of Yash Raj Films. The flick is based on Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Swachh Bharat Mission.