TIL Desk/National/New Delhi/ The Delhi government on Tuesday approved a proposal of its Social Welfare Department to do away with the requirement of Aadhaar and linking bank accounts with the 12-digit biometric identity for availing of welfare schemes such as old-age and other pensions.
A Cabinet meeting chaired by Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal approved the proposal delinking Aadhaar and social welfare benefits including old age, disability and widows pensions, a Delhi government statement said. “Lot of people suffering due to inability of banks to link adhar wid bank account. Today, Cabinet decided to delink adhar from widow n age old pension(sic),” Kejriwal tweeted.
Lot of people suffering due to inability of banks to link adhar wid bank account. Today, Cabinet decided to delink adhar from widow n age old pensionThe Social Welfare department will now remit all the pensions stopped due to lack of Aadhaar, the government statement said. “Increased pension will be remitted with effect from April 2018, to all beneficiaries who are getting pension on old rates so that beneficiaries are not penalised for system related reasons,” it said.