TIL Desk Bollywood/ Actor Shah Rukh Khan says he keeps himself away from the creative aspect of “Zero”. Asked when the trailer of “Zero” will be released, Shah Rukh told the media here late on Tuesday: “I genuinely don’t know about it. The whole creative aspect of the film is handled by Colour Yellow Productions (Aanand L. Rai’s banner).
“It is difficult because of the visual effects and it takes time in every aspect. It’s not like a regular film where you decide today to do a certain thing and tomorrow you have finished it. So, we have decided it, but when it will be ready, that is known to Aanand Sir and his technical team.
“They are at it… The kind of work that I do in the film is really enjoyable but it is also very time consuming, so I have decided to keep myself away from creative aspect of the film.
“Shah Rukh spoke to the media at the Vogue Beauty Awards 2018 here. In “Zero”, he plays a vertically challenged man. “I have been busy in the shooting of ‘Zero’. I was doing patch work for the film and shoot of that film will be complete in the next two days,” he added.