TIL Desk Bollywood/ Actor Tiger Shroff, who has extended their support for mental health and disability with a bhangra pop track titled “Dimaag ke taale tod na” by a band named 6-Pack Band 2.0 and Brooke Bond Red Label tea. He urges to be patient, accepting differences and make this world a more inclusive place.
The song features Tiger and singer Mika Singh, who urge people to open their minds against biases, prejudice and accept people irrespective of their differences. On the other hand, the 6-Pack Band 2.0 also shows the world that no disability can hold you back, if given the right kind of love and support.
“Children are our future and it was so inspiring to get to know and perform with the 6-Pack Band. I love how each one of them takes each day as it comes with a smile. I think all of us can learn how to be more patient, understanding and accepting of all our differences and make this world a more inclusive place,” Tiger said in a statement.