TIL Desk Bollywood/ Bollywood actor Hrithik Roshan unveiled the first poster of his upcoming film ‘Super 30’, based on the life of a Patna-based mathematician Anand Kumar. In the poster, the ‘Krissh’ star dons a thick beard and messy hair. The intense look does complete justice to Kumar’s story as Hrithik comes across as a man focused to achieve something greater than himself.
The poster’s tagline reads ”AB RAJA KA BETA RAJA NAHI BANEGA, AB RAJA WAHI BANEGA JO HAQDAAR HOGA” (Now the king’s son will not become the king, one who deserves to become the king will get the position). In another poster, he can be seen standing between a bunch of happy kids, some of whom are flashing the victory sign.
The film revolves around mathematician Anand Kumar and his famous educational program ‘Super 30’, under this initiative Kumar trains Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) aspirants crack the entrance exam to the prestigious institute.