TIL Desk/National/Mumbai/ The Shiv Sena Monday took a jibe at opposition parties, stating their nationwide bandh against the rising fuel prices should not look like a sudden act undertaken after waking up from a “long sleep”. The BJP’s bickering ally said it has been carrying the burden of opposition parties on its shoulders for long and it now wants to see where these outfits stand on pro-people issues.
“We have been carrying the burden of opposition leaders so far and we now want to see the strength of the opposition. People’s interests are protected when opposition parties perform (their duty) with efficiency,” the Sena said in an editorial published in its mouthpiece ‘Saamana’.
The Marathi daily said people may ask the Sena where it stands on the issue of joining the ‘Bharat Bandh’ called Monday by the Congress to protest the rising prices of petrol and diesel and supported by several opposition parties.
Responding to its own query, the Uddhav Thackeray-led outfit said it wanted to see the strength of the opposition on key issues. “The people of this country have been watching closely how inflation is rising and petrol and diesel prices are escalating.