TIL Desk Bollywood/ It is difficult to relive some of one’s dark secrets for the reel but actor Sunny Leone says she was relieved to tell her story in the web series “Karenjit Kaur – The Untold Story of Sunny Leone”. The series, that explores the journey of the former adult star-turned-actor’s journey, is now back with its second season.
In an interview, the actor says it was difficult for her to revisit her past but it presented her with the opportunity to show the truth. “The experience was a lot more difficult than I thought it was going to be. I have told the stories and I know what they are. It can’t be as difficult as some other film. It was very hard emotional journey for me.
But I am happy that I got to tell the truth, no matter how difficult it was for me.“The way it was written, it automatically took me back in time. The dialogues and the situations. So it wasn’t that difficult because it is a real story and not made up. That part was easier to go back to,” Leone said in a group interview.