TIL Desk/National/Hyderabad/ BJP President Amit Shah on Sunday described the ‘Mahagathbandhan’ (grand alliance) of opposition parties as a ‘dhakosla’ (deception) and accused it of “breaking India,” while the Narendra Modi-led government was working for “making India.”
Addressing the Bharatiya Janata Yuva Morch (BJYM) national convention here, Shah said on the one hand Prime Minister Modi was focussed on ‘Making India’, on the other the grand alliance leaders wanted to ‘Break’ India. “Modiji says remove poverty, unemployment, insecurity…but Mahagathbandhan leaders say remove Modi,” he added.
Criticising the grand alliance, the BJP leader said it “neither has a policy nor a leader nor any principles.” Taking a dig at Congress President Rahul Gandhi over his comments on the recent arrest of activists by the Maharashtra government over alleged links with Maoists, Shah said, “I want to tell Rahul Gandhi that whoever raises slogans on “breaking India” will land behind bars and they will never be pardoned.”
He also hit out at Gandhi for questioning Modi governments’ achievement during the last four-and-half-years and saying, he had no right to ask after having ruled for four generations and “doing nothing for the country and the poor.” Shah said the Modi government has launched several schemes and worked for the poor, farmers, women, Dalits and tribals.