TIL Desk Bollywood/ Debuting in the Hindi film industry under the Yash Raj Films banner opposite Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan is a dream for any aspiring actor. Anushka Sharma earned that opportunity and achieved more milestones in her decade-long career. As the actor gears up for the release of her upcoming film Zero, once again with SRK, she says the only way to grow as a performer is to challenge herself.
“I think as an actor, I am always trying to put myself in an uncomfortable position, taking up roles that are challenging and interesting. I think that is the way for me to grow as an actor. In fact when I took up my role in Zero, it was an opportunity to know and get into the mind of a character with a certain physical condition that I do not know anything about, that’s what excites me, an opportunity that allows me to reinvent the actor in me, whenever I come on-screen,” Anushka told in an interview here.
Directed by Aanand L. Rai, the story of Zero revolves around three characters played by Shah Rukh, Anushka and Katrina Kaif in the film. Anushka plays a NASA scientist with cerebral palsy in the film. “Very interestingly, Aanand Sir and our writer celebrated the character beyond her physical challenges and that is beautiful. It was a very well researched script and the projection of the character is very positive you know, she is very accomplished as a professional, she is intelligent,” Anushka said.