TIL Desk/National/Pune/ A series of precautionary and security measures are in place in Maharashtra on the 201st anniversary of the Bhima-Koregaon war on Tuesday. Massive police deployment has been made in Bhima-Koregaon village and surroundings as lakhs of people from all over the state are expected to arrive at the village.
They will commemorate the anniversary of the historic Third Anglo-Maratha battle between the 834-strong British force comprising mostly of soldiers from the Dalit Mahar community and the 28,000-strong army of Peshwa Bajirao II, which was vanquished.
The British later erected a victory obelisk (memorial) and the Dalit castes regard it as their symbolic victory over the higher castes, which is celebrated annually on New Year Day, January 1 since the past 200 years. Last year, however, the celebrations, attended by around 3,00,000 people had turned violent, killing one and effecting a Maharashtra shutdown on January 3, leading to a major churning in caste and ideological politics.
Later, police swooped in on human rights, rights and civil society activists all over India to check ‘Urban Maoist’ activities in the wake of a conference held in Pune on December 31, 2017, on the eve of the Bhima-Koregaon battles 200th anniversary