TIL Desk/National/New Delhi/ The Supreme Court on Tuesday reinstated Alok Kumar Verma as the CBI director and set aside the Centre’s decision divesting him of his powers and sending him on leave. The top court, however, restrained Verma from taking any major policy decision till the Central Vigilance Commission inquiry is over.
The apex court also said that any further decision against Verma would be taken by the high-powered committee which selects and appoints the CBI director. The judgment was pronounced by a bench of Chief Justice of India Ranjan Gogoi and Justices S K Kaul and K M Joseph. Verma’s two-year tenure as CBI Director ends on January 31.
Verma had moved the SC against the Centre’s decision to divest him of powers and sending him on leave and sought the quashing of three orders of October 23, 2018 — one by the Central Vigilance Commission and two by the Department of Personnel and Training — as being without jurisdiction and in violation of Articles 14, 19 and 21 of the Constitution.