TIL Desk Bollywood/ Veteran filmmaker-actor Rakesh Roshan has been diagnosed with “early stage squamous cell carcinoma of the throat”, his son, actor Hrithik Roshan said on Tuesday. Hrithik made the revelation on Instagram, adding his father is set to undergo surgery. “Asked my dad for a picture this morning. Knew he wouldnt miss gym on surgery day. He is probably the strongest man I know.
“Got diagnosed with early stage squamous cell carcinoma of the throat a few weeks ago, but he is in full spirits today as he proceeds to battle it. As a family we are fortunate and blessed to have a leader like him,” the actor wrote.
Hrithik also shared a picture with his 69-year-old father standing side-by-side in a gym. The father-son duo has worked together in Hrithik’s launch vehicle “Kaho Naa… Pyaar Hai”, “Koi… Mil Gaya”, “Krrish” series and “Kaabil”. Roshan’s daughter Sunaina was diagnosed with cervical cancer a few years ago but emerged a survivor.