TIL Desk/Business/New Delhi/ Accusing the Left-affiliated trade unions of “manufacturing a protest on non-existent issues”, Finance Minister Arun Jaitley on Wednesday asked if they had any real issues or was the “bandh” (strike) a part of the strategy of the Left political organisations to organise a symbolic unrest to ensure that they were not wiped out from the political map of the country.
He said the strength of the Left parties had been significantly eroded in West Bengal and Tripura and that in the recent past, the political environment in Kerala was also building against them.
His remarks come in the backdrop of the 48-hour nationwide strike called by different trade unions on Tuesday-Wednesday in protest against alleged anti-labour policies of the Central government.
Jaitley said in less than five years that it had been in power, the NDA government had taken more measures for the welfare of workers than any other government. He said the Left-leaning trade unions were politicising the trade union movement to “manufacture a protest on non-existent issues”.