TIL Desk/National/New Delhi/ Amid a flip-flop over alliance with the Congress to take on the BJP in the Lok Sabha polls, the Aam Aadmi Party on Thursday said Rahul Gandhi should take a decision about the seat-sharing with it considering the national situation, instead of “batting from behind” his party’s Delhi unit.
“The AAP took an ideological decision for alliance, keeping in view the need to save the democracy and to strengthen the voice of Delhi people in the Lok Sabha, although objections were raised within the party,” AAP’s Delhi convener Gopal Rai said.
The comments come after Rahul Gandhi last morning said that the Congress’ state unit does not want an alliance with the AAP. “I feel Rahul Gandhi is either not comprehending the national situation or he is unable to make his party organisation understand it.
Instead of batting from behind his state unit, Rahul should take a decision (on alliance),” Mr Rai said. “Our workers do not want alliance. Many leaders are personally against it. But, the decision for alliance was taken in favour of the national interest,” he added.