TIL Desk/National/New Delhi/ Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has said he has not gone soft on the Centre on the issue of rising crime rate in the national capital, but “attacking or abusing” each other over it is not a solution. The chief minister made the remarks on the sidelines of an event to inaugurate works to install CCTV cameras in a residential area.
“Who said we have gone soft? We have said it many times that the central government should take stern action in view of the deteriorating law and order situation in Delhi. “Our government is cooperating with them. We have been doing whatever we can do. Attacking or abusing each other is not a solution,” Kejriwal said.
The Delhi Police comes under the Ministry of Home Affairs. “The Delhi government is in the process of installing CCTV cameras to ensure security of its people. Lights have been installed on roads that fall in our domain,” he said. Kejriwal said his government is ready to extend any kind of help the Centre wants on the law and order front.