TIL Desk/National/New Delhi/ Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Monday reviewed ongoing operations against Naxals and development initiatives being undertaken in Left Wing Extremism affected areas, officials said. Chief ministers Nitish Kumar (Bihar), Naveen Patnaik (Odisha), Yogi Adityanath (Uttar Pradesh), Kamal Nath (Madhya Pradesh), Raghubar Das (Jharkhand), Bhupesh Baghel (Chhattisgarh) besides top police and civil officials of 10 Naxal affected states attended the meeting.
“The home minister reviewed ongoing operations against Naxals and the development activities undertaken in Naxal affected areas,” a home ministry official said. Top officials of paramilitary forces and the home ministry also attended the meeting, first of its kind after Shah assumed charge as home minister about three months ago. The 10 Maoists-hit states are Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Odisha, West Bengal, Bihar, Maharashtra, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh.
According to Home Ministry statistics, 8,782 cases of Naxal violence were reported during 2009-13 as against 4,969 during 2014-18, a reduction of 43.4 per cent. As many as 3,326 people, including security force personnel, lost their lives in 2009-13 as against 1,321 in 2014-18, a reduction of 60.4 per cent, the ministry said. 1,400 Naxals were killed during 2009-2018.