TIL Desk Bollywood/ Actress Richa Chadha, who plays a public prosecutor named Hinal Mehta in the upcoming courtroom drama “Section 375”, says she put a lot of thought into her on-screen character. “I put a lot of myself in the film. When I was building the character, I put a lot of my thoughts in presenting her.
My character is a public prosecutor. Practically, public prosecutors don’t earn a lot unless they are at the top of the game. So, why is she so adamant about getting justice in this case? That is where I channelised a lot of righteous anger I feel as an individual in the present situation.
I feel angry at the sexism in our film industry, as well as in society. The #MeToo movement was a wakeup call. So I poured a lot of thought on these matters, and into the character,” Richa told.