TIL Desk Bollywood/Ranveer Singh has never shied away from expressing his love for his wife, Deepika Padukone. On Friday, the actor shared a romantic black and white photograph of the couple taken at an award event here. In the image posted on Instagram Stories, Ranveer is seen whispering something in Deepika”s ear as they smile.
Ranveer is currently busy with a film that traces the journey of India”s historic victory at the 1983 cricket World Cup. Ranveer plays the role of former Indian skipper Kapil Dev.
The film”s cast also includes Boman Irani, Saqib Saleem, Adinath Kothare, Chirag Patil, Harddy Sandhu, Ammy Virk, Jatin Sarna, Pankaj Tripathi, Tahir Raj Bhasin, Dinker Sharma, Jiiva, Sahil Khattar, Dhairya Karwa, Nishant Dahhiya and R. Badree.