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Complaint filed against Supreme Court lawyer who tore map

Complaint filed against Supreme Court lawyer who tore map

TIL Desk/National/New Delhi/ The Akhil Bharat Hindu Mahasabha has lodged a complaint with the Bar Council of India on Thursday against Rajeev Dhavan, counsel for Muslim parties in the Ayodhya dispute, for tearing up the map of Lord Ram’s birthplace at the Ram Janmabhoomi.

In a letter addressed to the Bar Council Chairman, the Hindu outfit has said Rajeev Dhavan’s act of tearing up a piece of paper in the courtroom has brought “disrepute to the Supreme Court Bar”.

The Mahasabha has demanded that the Bar Council takes cognizance of the matter and takes immediate action against the counsel who is representing the Muslim parties in the Ayodhya land dispute case that was heard for the final and 40th day on Wednesday.

As the 40th day of the Ayodhya hearing unfolded in Supreme Court on Thursday, high drama gripped the courtroom. The Hindu Mahasabha handed tried to present a fresh piece of evidence on the last day of the hearing when Rajeev Dhavan raised an objection.

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