
Manage your Business and Personal Udhar bahi khata( Credits ) with #PhoneKhata

Manage your Business and Personal Udhar bahi khata( Credits ) with #PhoneKhata

TIL Desk/Business/New Delhi/ PhoneKhata is safe, secure & reliable replacement of your Bahi Khata. PhoneKhata is 100% free to use. Free Reminders to customers on SMS & Whatsapp.

फ़ोन खाता ऐप डाउनलोड करें, आपको मिलेगी लिखत पड़त से छुट्टी, न ही आपको अपना उधार दिया पैसा मांगने के लिए होना पड़ेगा शर्मिंदा । जो कुछ करेगा वो करेगा ये ऐप मोबाइल SMS रिमाइंडर से आपकी दुविधा का हल निकलेगा । गूगल प्ले स्टोर पर जाकर अभी डाउनलोड करें फ़ोन खाता ऐप ।

With Payment Reminders feature, an automatic SMS is sent to your customers everytime a transaction is recorded against them. This feature has seen our users being repaid rapidly and bring transparency to their business.
Download from #GooglePlayStore

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