TIL Desk Bollywood/ Celebrities around town had a good time at iconic rock band U2”s The Joshua Tree Concert in the weekend. Among B-town stars spotted at the do were Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone, Hrithik Roshan, Sussanne Khan, Amaal Mallik, Diana Penty, Riya Sen with husband Shivam Tewari, Anurag Kashyap, and Rohit Dhawan.
Kunal Kapoor with wife Naina Bachchan, Nitya Mehra, Mira Rajput, Rannvijay Singha with wife Priyanka Vohra, Shaheen Bhatt, and Javed Jaffrey with son Mizaan Jaffrey also attended the show. Cricketing maestro Sachin Tendulkar with wife Anjali Tendulkar, and Ness Wadia were also seen grooving to U2 beats, held on Sunday evening at Navi Mumbai”s DY Patil Stadium.
The concert turned into a magical affair as Indian maestro AR Rahman joined Bono, The Edge, Adam Clayton and Larry Mullen Jr on stage. Rahman took to the stage with his daughters Khatija and Raheema, and performed the single “Ahimsa”, which he composed in collaboration with the rock band and released in November.