
Salman Khan backs Pakistan actors, says they are not terrorists…

TIL Desk/Bollywood- Salman Khan strongly criticises the Indian Motion Pictures Producers’ Association (IMPPA)’s decision to indefinitely ban Pak artistes.

Indian Motion Picture Producers Association (IMPPA) has now passed a resolution in the wake of the Uri attacks, which bans Pakistani actors from working in the Indian film industry forever.

In a press interaction, Salman Khan said, “They [Pakistani actors] are artists, not terrorists. It’s the government who [sic] gives them permits and visas.” Salman said: “The ideal situation would have been of peace. Now when this has happened, then obviously there will be reaction to this action.” He added: “In this day and this age, I think if we live with love and peace, then it will be better for everyone, especially for the common man.”

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