TIL Desk Bollywood/ Actress Evelyn Sharma says she will opt for a second-hand wedding dress when she gets married to her beau Tushaan Bhindi. Having grown up in Frankfurt, the Indo-German actress Evelyn has browsed through thrift stores and vintage boutiques all her life.
“I”ve always shopped 80 per cent of my wardrobe from markets and second-hand stores. It”s where you find the coolest stuff that no one else has, and that too at the best prices!” she said. She believes that reselling fashion is finally emerging as a trend in India, too.
“Thrift stores, garage sales, reseller programs online, you can see them coming up everywhere!” she said. Evelyn, who is the founder and Managing Director of Seams For Dreams that promotes the reuse, recycling, and upcycling of clothing, claims that she is glad to see that the organisation”s hard work over five years is finally yielding results in creating awareness among the general audience.